This Glass Spell Candle is invoking Ahriman, the Deific Mask of Darkness, Will, Strength and power as an incarnate Adversarial energy in this world. This is an ritual spell candle...
Arashk is a powerful daeva created by Ahriman, representing the Evil Eye. The magick practitioner will use Arashk to focus on spiritual strength and overcoming challenges. The power of the...
Bael is a King ruling the East and rules over 66 Legions of Spirits under Lucifer. Bael teaches how to be invisible or blend into the crowd, secretly obtaining what ...
Unlock the secrets of the astral plane with our potent Beelzebub Insight & Divination Glass Spell Candle. This 7-day ritual candle is designed to empower your Luciferian magickal practice, enhancing...
Pazuzu is an ancient protective spirit of both men and women. Pazuzu is known as "Son of Hanbu, King of the Evil Lilu-Demons (Lilu you guessed, is Lil or Lilith-wind...