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Hecate Trioditis (with three faces), she is last of the Titans and a renowned Goddess deity. This amulet has good detail displaying her torches, key, and with serpents. She is powerful for helping at the crossroads of life. Celebrated for many aspects of life. Hecate has a multifaceted spirit, different epithets of her cult includes black magic, ghosts, daimones and a teacher of witchcraft and the left-hand path.
Comes with cord. Pewter 1 1/4".
Hekate was a torch-bearing goddess of the night. She was accompanied by a train of ghosts and her passing was marked by the baying of hounds. The the netherworld gods Hekate, Persephone and Haides presided over the oracles of the dead and the art of necromancy (nekromankia)--the summoning of the ghosts from the underworld.
Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 3. 1194 ff :
"Hekate Brimo . . . hearing his words from the abyss, came up . . . She was garlanded by fearsome snakes that coiled themselves round twigs of oak; the twinkle of a thousand torches lit the scene; and hounds of the underworld barked shrilly all around her."
Sell your soul? | We are a soul-selling free company. The Devil loves the strong of mind! All items sacred to the Infernal and Phosphorescent. 100% Left-Hand Path. Doing the Devil's Work Since 2007. Since you are reading this, here is a CODE to use for a 5% Discount: sellyoursoul (we know it is worth more but you get this just for reading!) |