For those not afraid of the Dark..... Details
Notoria: Tarot in Light (companion with GOETIA Tarot) Book and Deck
Notoria: Tarot in Light (companion with GOETIA Tarot) Book and Deck
Notoria: Tarot in Light (companion with GOETIA Tarot) Book and Deck
Notoria: Tarot in Light (companion with GOETIA Tarot) Book and Deck
Notoria: Tarot in Light (companion with GOETIA Tarot) Book and Deck
Notoria: Tarot in Light (companion with GOETIA Tarot) Book and Deck
Notoria: Tarot in Light (companion with GOETIA Tarot) Book and Deck

    Notoria: Tarot in Light (companion with GOETIA Tarot) Book and Deck

    R$ 170,00
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    Goetia Tarot Series - A companion to the GOETIA - Tarot in Darkness

    This deck acts as the balance with the GOETIA and is known with the 72 Spirits of the Shemhamforash. The angels of this deck mirror the goetic demons and can be used towards a balance of perspective and focus. A beautifully illuminated LUCIFER (the Devil) Card mirrors the darksome Lucifer of the Goetia Tarot. 

    Shining with brilliance, Fabio Listrani's art showcases angels and other forces of light from the ancient lore of Ars Notoria (the fifth book of the Lesser Key of Solomon). This breathtaking tarot mirrors Goetia - Tarot in Darkness and can be used as a complementary deck or as a stand-alone masterpiece. Notoria: Tarot in Light presents radiant divinatory insights and reminds us that, although there is shadow, there is also light.

     Where Goetia was about the dark and demons, Notoria is about the light and Angels. Together, light and darkness are the two faces of the human soul. The deck is an esoteric and powerful compendium of the energies of light. Light that may exalt, and light that can cast shadows, light cold and warm, but always light that can address our higher self.

    Art by Fabio Listrani,

    78 cards, 70x120 mm. Instructions. Multilingual Edition. 


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