Ahriman's great symbol and sigil of calling, from "Drauga" by Michael W Ford (Succubus Productions Publishing), illustrated by Kitti Solymosi. The Persian/Pahlavi Names of Power of Angra Mainyu and written...
This Glass Spell Candle is invoking Ahriman, the Deific Mask of Darkness, Will, Strength and power as an incarnate Adversarial energy in this world. This is an ritual spell candle...
CD w/ Jewel Case, Time: 55:02 minutes Track Listing: Ishtar Labbatum* Ishtar Labbatum - Queen of Heaven II Astar Annunitum (Ishtar of War and Bloodshed) Agusaja Saltu (Ishtar of the...
Arashk is a powerful daeva created by Ahriman, representing the Evil Eye. The magick practitioner will use Arashk to focus on spiritual strength and overcoming challenges. The power of the...
Astaroth, two sided sheet illustration and sigil, second sheet grimoire evocation sigil. Back features details and description (along with attributes) of the Goetic demon. 8 X 11, heavy parchment paper print....
Astarte (Ashtoreth), the ancient Canaanite/Syrian/Egyptian goddess who in this manifestation, is a love goddess. Burn this candle with invoking her energy towards desire and love. Astarte is a creating, inspiring...
This altar cloth features a one sided print with hemmed edges. Care instructions: Cold water delicate cycle, hang to dry. No bleach. ADAD (Haddu or the Canaanite deity Baal Hadad)...
This altar cloth features a one sided print with hemmed edges. Care instructions: Cold water delicate cycle, hang to dry. No bleach. EA - ENKI is the ancient Sumerian, Mesopotamian,...
This altar cloth features a one sided print with hemmed edges. Care instructions: Cold water delicate cycle, hang to dry. No bleach. 24" x 24"The Sigil of Ereshkigal, Goddess of...