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Damiana Leaf 1 oz. - The Luciferian Apotheca

    Damiana Leaf 1 oz.

    $ 85.00
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    Damiana corresponds to the planets Venus and Jupiter and the element Fire.

    Damiana is a useful tea or smoke before ritual, especially where an altered states of consciousness is be involved, and aids with meditation and divination. It is also a good addition to ritual incense. It is also wonderfully helpful in sex magick spells.

    Latin Name: Tumera diffusa
    Common Names: Damiana leaf, Mexican holly, oreganillo

    Damiana leaf, also known as Tumera diffusa, is part of the species Turneraceae, which is composed mainly of tropical shrubs, of which Tumera diffusa is one. Some of its common names include Mexican holly and oreganillo. Tumera diffusa is ordinarily found growing in warm climates such as those found in Central and South America, Mexico and the Caribbean. Our current supplier for these fantastic herbs is in Mexico. The shrub also produces small yellow fragrant flowers during the summer months.

    Note: This item cannot be shipped to Louisiana.

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