A carefully crafted 8" Baphomet Backflow Incense Burner, featuring an inverted pentagram atop, produces hypnotic smoke from the depths of the unknown. This one-of-a-kind piece honors Baphomet, the Lord of...
'The Dark Goddess' showcases a silver skull with triple moon design. Place an incense cone at the top and watch as enchanting smoke swirls from each of the three moons....
Medusa Backflow Cone Incense Burner . Smoke travels from top and travels down. Use only back flow Incense Cones for back flow effect. You can also use as Home Décor....
Unleash the primal spirit of the night with our Werewolf Candle Holder & Backflow Incense Burner, a darkly enchanting piece that combines form and function in a truly unique design. Key...