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Triple Hecate/Brigid Pewter Pendant - The Luciferian Apotheca

    Triple Hecate/Brigid Pewter Pendant

    R$ 93,00
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    Hecate in her triple form was known throughout the ancient world, including among the Celts as Brigid.

    She is also known as the goddess of the Brigantes in northern England, and represented the sister or virgin aspect of the Great Goddess. The root word or her name means bright or exalted and is associated with the power of life and the feast of Imbolc.

    Imbolc marks the day when the hag goddess, the Caileanach, collects firewood to last the winter season. According to legend, if she wants the winter season to last a long time, she will ensure the weather is clear and sunny on the day of Imbolc so she can collect firewood. That’s why people are usually relieved when Imbolc falls on a day of bad weather. It means the caileanach is sleeping and winter is coming to an end.

    Pewter, 1.3" inches. Includes black cord with pendant.

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