For those not afraid of the Dark..... Details
A Pact with Lucifuge Rofocale Kit - The Luciferian Apotheca

    A Pact with Lucifuge Rofocale Kit

    R$ 110,00
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    This is a practical and authentic method of seeking initiation via Lucifuge Rofocale for the purpose of knowledge, power and attaining desires. This writing kit, complete with quill, dragon’s blood ink, 5 sheets of authentic parchment paper and a 6 page beautifully printed and illustrated evocation plus instructions to evoke Lucifuge Rofocale.

    Under the power of Emperor Lucifer from the Grand Grimoire tradition. The pact is not to “sell your soul”, rather to entreat the demonic spirit as both brother, friend and a part of the self.

    Lucifuge is a guiding spirit in the Luciferian Witchcraft tradition and the pact is made for a set period of time, for a specific goal, with incense and coins offered in payment by the sorcerer.

    Developed for the Luciferian Apotheca by Michael W. Ford from an unpublished grimoire, 

    This kit includes the following:

    • 6 page instruction text with sigils
    • Evocation and pact example
    • 1 writing quill
    • 1 bottle of Black Ink
    • 1 printed Azazelian Evocation Triangle
    • 1 crystal

    Suggested additional items: 3 Black Candles, Incense Sticks, Horoscope Incense, Ritual Banners, Ceremonial Oils

    Want to sell your soul? Congratulations, you’ve found our hidden discount! Now all you have to do is sell your soul. We don’t actually buy or trade souls, but we do cater to the strong of mind and we do have connections, if you know what we mean. As a special thank you for reading our attempt at satire, please enjoy this special discount code: sellyoursoul This code entitles you to a 5% discount. We know your soul is worth more but times are hard, and hey, you get 5% off just for reading. We hope you enjoy!

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