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Jinn Azazil Iblis Black Magic Sigil Tapestry Sihr
Iblis Sihr Black Magic
Iblis - Azazil (Satan) Tapestries
Iblis - Azazil (Satan) Tapestries

    Iblis - Azazil (Satan) Tapestries

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    This demonic and horrific symbol of Azāzīl (Satan, Iblis) was beautifully illustrated by Nestor Avalos, and is featured in "Whispers of the Jinn" by Michael W. Ford. For the Sihr devotee, the Luciferian who applies techniques of Sufi mysticism with a Left-Hand Path perspective.

    The following is a small section from this forbidden grimoire, with permission from the author and publisher.

    "“Fire is superior to Clay” proclaimed Azāzīl, “I will not prostrate myself before humans as they are inferior to our kind”. There is but one Iblîs, who is Azāzīl, the Lord of Light and Fire. There are legions of shayāṭīn, many satanic jinn, but only one al-Shayṭān. Iblîs exists in both the Imaginal, cast from the Celestial, and holds authority over the Terrestrial, moving and influencing as a spiritual force that tempts, destroys, or guides by Waswās (Whispering) by way of Qalb (the Heart). The majestic father of humans on this earth, beginning from our spiritual heritage via the gift of luminous fire, the Black Flame of consciousness, to the tests and journey in this world of matter, has source from Azāzīl. The epithet of Iblîs (al-Shayṭān, the Devil) reflects the rebellious nature of the Bearer of the Black Flame. Azāzīl is the Adversary, tempting and testing the clay of humanity; those who develop a strong will and trusting ones’ intuition, the attainment of the Black Alchemical transformation of from Clay to Fire and Light, a dedicated initiatory journey in life via Liberation, Illumination, and Apotheosis." - From "WHISPERS OF THE JINN - Arabic Black Magic" by Michael W. Ford

    Elevate your space with our print-on-demand tapestries made from high-quality 100% polyester. Crafted for longevity, this synthetic fabric retains its shape and dries quickly. Each tapestry is carefully sewn around the edges, ensuring durability and long-lasting use. Our state-of-the-art printing techniques deliver vibrant and precise colors that perfectly complement your boldest designs. Redefine your decor store collection with our custom tapestries today.

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