ADAMU is a grimoire of Luciferian Tantra. This path is of the exploration of the dark recesses of the Mind and Spirit, transforming the self into a vessel of...
ADAMU is a grimoire of Luciferian Tantra. This path is of the exploration of the dark recesses of the Mind and Spirit, transforming the self into a vessel of...
The long awaited grimoire invoking the Enochian Fallen Angels in a structure of angelic calls, invocations and evocations is soon available. The Watchers - Fallen Angels who instructed humanity who...
MASTERING YOGA IN LUCIFERIANISM The mysteries of Kundalini in Luciferian Magick are found at the center of the root chakra, known as Muladhara, the coiling place of Shakti, known also...
2nd Revised Edition, newly illustrated by Lamia Culta, Julian Zurc, Dizmah, and Emerson Cotillo Saenz. Akhkharu has been revised and edited by Paul Nunez of Manus Sinistra Publishing. 6 X...
The New Pinnacle Of Luciferian Ascent What is Luciferian philosophy How do you apply it? How do you self-initiate into Luciferianism? What makes Luciferianism harmonious with, and parallel to, other...
RITUAL, MYTH & HEALING FOR THE NEW AEON Taking a magickal approach to this often misunderstood spirituality, Christopher Penczak explores the fascinating path of ascension. Ascension Magick unveils the diverse mystical roots...
Beginning Luciferian Magick by Michael W. Ford. The Luciferian Path is one which exercises the sanctification of Self by activating aspects of the Adversary in particular form. This approach, highly...
The Secret Tradition in Goetia, including the rites and mysteries of Goetic therugy, sorcery and infernal necromancy. Completely illustrated with the original magical figures. Partial Contents: Antiquity of Magical Rituals;...