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Ahriman and Daevas - Zoroastrian demonology & the Creation Myths - The Luciferian Apotheca

Ahriman and Daevas - Zoroastrian demonology & the Creation Myths

Ancient creation myths including the Zoroastrian (from the Bundahishin) and Zurvanite religious tale of Ahriman's entry into the world, his creation of the daevas, so bringing strife and (from a Luciferian point-of-view) balance to the world in opposition to Ahura Mazda, the Amesha Spenta, the ArchAngels or lesser deities that were balanced by the ArchDaevas. This is a simple intro into this fascinating tradition, presenting how myth and the Adversarial narrative is actually a point of magical-mystical foundation for the Luciferian and modern Yatus (sorcerer, he or she who offers incense and libations to the daevas), Daevayasna (demon-worshipper) as to motivate inner-strength, strife-conflict to temper upon the forge of the Adversary; thus, individual potential via initiation. The book, DRAUGA - Ahrimanian Yatuk Dinoih by Michael W. Ford is both a grimoire and the basic historical / mythological origins and descriptions of the cultus of Angra Mainyu (Ahriman), the legions of Daevas, the syncretic Persian deity Ahura Mazda (Ohrmazd), the Amesha Spenta (archangels), and the balance found by symbolic understanding of syncretism of Hellenistic, Eastern Roman, Armenian, and Persian streams of Zoroastrianism and the heresies of Manichaean and Zurvanite practices. Obtain a copy of DRAUGA here: The books BIBLE OF THE ADVERSARY, LIBER HVHI, and AHRIMANIC YOGA also present practical applications of formulating a metaphysical framework in the initiatic ritual magick of Yatuk Dinoih, translating as 'witchcraft', that the sorcerer offers to the daevas, summons the energy that conceptualizes these Deific Masks, and opens potentially a Ahrimanian Gnosis balancing the Bronze Age Indian RIG VEDA and the Persian demonology equally as beneficial. To practice Yatuk Dinoih is to utilize a mytho-magical gnosis of primal sorcery to embrace Adversarial (antinomian or spiritually lawless type of Theurgy) spirits to attain power via the Luciferian Triad of the Morning Star, being Liberation, Illumination, and Apotheosis. Daevas and Ahriman ritual décor and tools including Altar Cloths are available here: For the dark ambient ritual music of AKHTYA, with several albums dedicated to the Ahrimanian Cultus of Yatuk Dinoih and the Daevas, including several CDs (also with collaborations with CORONA BARATHRI) may be found here: Akhtya's Bandcamp (the digital release of DUSHMATA is dedicated to the cultus of daevayasna) will reveal some dedicated, authentic, and darkly haunting ritual ceremonies as music here:
by Michael Ford on February 29, 2024
How to Celebrate the Spring Equinox w/ Lilith & Ahriman - The Luciferian Apotheca

How to Celebrate the Spring Equinox w/ Lilith & Ahriman

In recent years, Luciferian philosophy (along with other schools of thought) has explored and identified creative and positive elements from concepts of demonology, black magick and traditions including the Qliphoth. Let us look at two separate yet meaningful traditions from Hebrew Qabalah and Persian demonology via Zoroastrianism. Both have bounteous streams of infernal currents which bring, in perspective, balance between the cycles of creation and destruction internally. 
by Michael Ford on March 03, 2023
The Day of Ahriman and Luciferian Sorcery by Michael W. Ford - The Luciferian Apotheca

The Day of Ahriman and Luciferian Sorcery by Michael W. Ford

Within the lore and symbolism of the various paths of Luciferianism, a date of ancient Zoroastrian origin holds considerable value to recognizing the power of challenge in nature. The path of ancient Persian sorcery or witchcraft, known in Pahlavi as 'yatukdinoih' is celebrated as self-liberation and empowerment from restrictive dogma of monotheism. In the dualism of Zoroastrianism, the Adversary known as Ahriman or Angra Mainyu is said to have entered the material world on the modern date of March 21st at 12 Noon.
by Michael Ford on March 21, 2017



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Furnace of Azazel by Michael W. Ford - Ritualistic Short Video

Shadows of the Se'irim

by Akhtya

  • Streaming + Download
    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.

    This series of recordings are a collective invocation that is dedicated to AZAZEL, עֲזָאזֵל, the fallen angel who in the Book of Enoch, is a leader of the Watchers who revealed forbidden knowledge to woman and man. In the Syriac Christian tradition, Azazel is rendered Za-za-e'il “strong one against/of God". In the Mishna, the offering of the goat to this demonic king was the head of the goat “for Azazel".
    In the later Mandaean texts, Azazel is named as an Uthra, an angel or celestial spirit. In the Book of Enoch, Azazel taught men the art of warfare, the forging of swords, knives, shields, and coats of mail. Azazel also taught women the art of seduction by ornamenting the body, dyeing the hair, and painting the face and the eyebrows, along with his fellow Watchers, initiated humans into the secrets of witchcraft.
    In the Testament of Abraham, Azazel is described as taking the form of an unclean bird, yet also having seven heads, fourteen faces, “hands and feet like a man's and on his back six wings on the right and six on the left." Azazel is also associated with the Black Flame and the fires of Hades, "putrefy in the belly of the crafty worm Azazel and be burned by the fire of Azazel's tongue".
    The series of recordings, all designed as a devotion to Azazel, is centered around the short ritual video, “The Furnace of Azazel" by Michael W. Ford (Akhtya). From the abyss of soundscapes, Akhtya weaves an auditory tapestry that entwines with “The Furnace of Azazel." This is no mere accompaniment, but a sonic invocation - a carefully orchestrated descent into the realms where shadows writhe and ancient spirits stir.

    The music unfurls like tendrils of smoke, a specially crafted rendition of "Shadows of the Se'irim." Dark ambient textures pulse and throb, mirroring the heartbeat of some vast, otherworldly entity. Drones hover on the edge of hearing, hinting at voices just beyond mortal comprehension.

    Each note, each whisper of sound, is meticulously placed to merge with the visual ritual. The composition breathes with a life of its own, guiding the listener through unseen portals and forgotten pathways of consciousness.

    At the core of this auditory alchemy lies a spoken invocation - words of power that resonate through the bones and stir the slumbering depths of the psyche. It is the key that unlocks the full potency of the ritual, binding sound and vision into a singular, transformative experience.

    Akhtya's creation is more than music - it is the very voice of the Se'irim, calling to those who would walk between worlds and dance in the flames of forbidden knowledge.

    AKHTYA Merch (T-Shirts) and CD releases are available @ Luciferian Apotheca, the world famous Left-Hand Path Occult Shop (Since 2007) co-owned by Michael W. Ford.

    DARK ADVERSARY Productions (Akhtya CD's are released via this excellent label)

    The Short Ritual Video is featured on Michael W. Ford's YouTube Channel:
    The Title on YouTube is "Embracing Azazel: Secrets of the Fiery Invocation".

    “The Furnace of Azazel”
    Created by Michael W. Ford, Soundtrack by Akhtya
    Running Time: 9:35 Minutes

    From the depths of shadow and flame, a short, artistic ritual unfolds - "The Furnace of Azazel." Crafted by the hands of Michael W. Ford over years steeped in occult wisdom, this visual incantation beckons forth the fallen angel Azazel.

    A tapestry of haunting imagery weaves through the screen, colors pulsing like bruised flesh. Rhythms beat in time with infernal hearts, while bodies contort in poses that defy mortal limits. Music, dark and hypnotic, coils around the senses like smoke from a sacrificial pyre.
    This is no mere short film, but a gateway - a summoning circle cast in pixels and sound. Its purpose: to ignite the Black Flame within those who dare to gaze upon it. As the furnace doors creak open, who among the viewers will step willingly into its transformative fires?
    Azazel waits, patient and eternal, ready to forge the souls of the worthy in his unholy kiln. Will you answer his call?
by Michael Ford on August 09, 2024
Publication Announcement: "Whispers of the Jinn" by Michael W. Ford
This is from the introduction: "Whispers of the Jinn" is a Grimoire that has been prepared in many cycles of intense research and development, with a dedication to the Arabic traditions that cultivated the lore and methodology to Iblis and the Jinn. My focus of Sihr is determined upon the metaphysical framework of the Quintessence of Luciferian Magick as manifestation of one’s True Will." "From the root ‘ janna’, meaning, ‘to conceal’, does ‘jinn’ derive; the very essence of the term of ‘occult’ and initiation into the magical arts of old and new. The Jinn are inspiring spirits of smokeless fire; those who are both bestial and nearly angelic in a small sense of divinity by this transforming, invisible fire. The living grimoire is a work which uses instructive texts, outlines methods in which spirits may be invoked or evoked; spells may be cast and the Great Work that is Magick and Sorcery may be performed. The Jinn are identical in essence to the western concept of Demons, the difference being the culture of which myths and magical traditions have been formulated." This grimoire is truly a work which is what Sufi poet and philosopher Ibn ‘Arabi (1165–1240) would identify as barzakh, from the Quranic expression of, “what is between the two”. As a book containing a meeting point between the two realms identified in the Quran: the unseen and visible, or heaven and earth. Within these two aspects within the cosmos, this includes the world of spirits and the world of physical bodies. As the path of the daemonic so enveloped in the masks of the Jinn, the path to power and wisdom is found at the crossroads, or in-between. This grimoire is dedicated to the cultus of Iblis, known also as Azazil and Shaitan, along with the Four Elders and Seven Jinn Kings. A historical, mythological, esoteric, and a modern study of Arabic black magical devotionals evoking the jinn of both malicious and beneficial energies. The Black Adept embraces a liminal crossroads of the Sufi concepts of the Imaginal and the Terrestrial. "Whispers of the Jinn - Arabic Black Magic" by Michael W. Ford is available in Hardcover, Softcover, and Digital (Kindle) editions. Visit
by Michael Ford on July 31, 2024


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