For those not afraid of the Dark..... Details

Articles of Luciferian Witchcraft and Magick filtra per Horned God

Saturnus - December's Rebirth

December is the traditional period of the Horned God as...
di Michael Ford sopra December 08, 2014



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The Jinn, Iblis, and the Imaginal in Luciferian Magick

New video in which Michael W. Ford focuses on a key significant foundation of the Luciferian Grimoire, "Whispers of the Jinn - Arabic Black Magic" with the guidance of Iblis, the Black Flame, Sihr, and the intermediate realm of the Imaginal that is between the spiritual and material realms. The guides of Smokeless Fire, the inspiring whispers and the Gift of Azāzīl (Iblis), the Black Flame, are discussed from a Luciferian Philosophical perspective.

This video provides a detailed exploration of the relationship between the jinn and the imaginal realm within the framework of Luciferian philosophy. The imaginal realm acts as a crucial bridge between the celestial world of pure spirit and the terrestrial realm of material reality. Jinn, as spirits of smokeless fire, are intrinsically tied to this realm, inhabiting and shaping its landscapes while influencing the human mind through its subtle energies.

The Black Flame, gifted to humanity by Azazel (Iblīs), allows humans to tap into the imaginal realm and harness its power. This flame represents self-awareness and the potential for liberation, enabling individuals to connect with their inner Daemon (Qarīn) and interact with the jinn. It is through the imaginal realm that the Luciferian sorcerer can perform Sihr, influencing the material world through the manipulation of subtle energies.

The imaginal realm serves as a conduit for the jinn to inspire and guide individuals towards self-discovery and the attainment of their True Will. This can manifest through dreams, visions, and intuitive insights, allowing the jinn to communicate their wisdom and knowledge.

di Michael Ford sopra October 20, 2024


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