The long awaited grimoire invoking the Enochian Fallen Angels in a structure of angelic calls, invocations and evocations is soon available. The Watchers - Fallen Angels who instructed humanity who...
'Dragon of the Two Flames' - Demonic Magick and the Gods of Canaan by Michael W. Ford, Illustrated by Kitti Solymosi With additional art by Nestor Avalos, Adam Iniquity and...
DRAUGA - Ahrimanian Yatuk Dinoih by Michael W. Ford Illustrated by Kitti Solymosi & Mitchell Nolte Softcover Edition: 6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm) Black & White on Cream paper260 pages Hardcover...
Necrominon - Egyptian Sethanic Magick By Michael W. Ford Illustrated by Kitti Solymosi and Mitchell Nolte Softcover and Hardcover editions, black and white, 378 pages, 6 X 9. A magical...
SEKHEM APEP - Typhonian Vampyre Magick By Michael W. Ford Illustrations by Karl N.E. & Kitti Solymosi 202 + pages, 6 x 9, softcover and hardcover. Hardcover edition is printed...
Beginning Luciferian Magick by Michael W. Ford. The Luciferian Path is one which exercises the sanctification of Self by activating aspects of the Adversary in particular form. This approach, highly...
Book of the Witch Moon by Michael W. Ford With introduction by Peter J. Carroll (author of Liber Null/Psychonaut) Presenting the forbidden works of Chaos, Vampiric and Luciferian Sorcery. A...
By Michael W. Ford 2nd Illustrated Edition, beautifully designed by Paul Nunez. Forward by Thomas Karlsson, Ph.D. 6x9 softcover, 154 pages, 6x9 hardcover This is a modern, practical grimoire which...
GOETIA OF SHADOWS is an updated, advanced and Luciferian pragmatic grimoire for the modern practitioner. This edition of the Lemegethon applies medieval sorcery techniques to the modern, Luciferian Mind to...