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Book Of Lies by Aleister Crowley - The Luciferian Apotheca

    Book Of Lies by Aleister Crowley

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    The Book of Lies (full title: Which is also Falsely Called BREAKS. The Wanderings or Falsifications of the One Thought of Frater Perdurabo, which Thought is itself Untrue. Liber CCCXXXIII [Book 333]) was written by English occultist and teacherAleister Crowley (using the pen name of Frater Perdurabo) and first published in 1912 or 1913 (see explanation below). As Crowley describes it: "This book deals with many matters on all planes of the very highest importance. It is an official publication for Babes of the Abyss, but is recommended even to beginners as highly suggestive."[1]

    The Book of Lies by Aleister Crowley is a witty, instructive, and admirable collection of paradoxes; however, it is not a philosophical or mystical treatise. It is wiser for readers to make their own interpretation

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