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Baphomet/Sabbatic Goat: Inspire Wisdom/Knowledge Glass Spell Candle - The Luciferian Apotheca

    Baphomet/Sabbatic Goat: Inspire Wisdom/Knowledge Glass Spell Candle

    $ 248.00
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    Attributed to Azazel-Cain-Baphomet, the Black Head of Wisdom, God of Chaos Magick and the symbol of the Luciferian, Baphomet is the essence of the union of Samael and Lilith, the masculine and feminine and the unconscious (Leviathan). Use the Baphomet candle in Magick workings involving tarot - high magick, self-becoming and goal-oriented high witchcraft workings. Comes either in Red or Black Candle.

    Black Candle - Summoning/focusing Unconscious, primal power and knowledge.

    Red Candle - Invoking Passion, Emotional Instinct and Energy.

    *due to weight of freight costs of shipping candles, pillar and glass candles, we are not shipping to Australia.

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