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Asafoetida Powder 2oz - The Luciferian Apotheca

    Asafoetida Powder 2oz

    $ 163.00
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    Used in black magick for casting hexes on a person. Sometimes referred to as the devil’s incense asafoetida is burned to force someone to leave you alone.

    Asafoetida is named specifically Ferula Assafoetida. In voodoo it is known as 'devil’s dung'. It has also been known as stinking gum and the food of the Gods. As powder, Asafoetida has both a bitter taste and foul smell. 
    The herb originates from the Middle East and grows approximately six feet in length with bright yellow flowers, which clump together in clusters. The stem and roots are hollow and contain an organic liquid similar to sulfur. The herb itself cannot be eaten raw.

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