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    The Magical Circle of King Solomon (Goetia) Tapestries

    CHF 26.00
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    This is the form of the Magical Circle of King Solomon, the which he made that he might preserve himself therein from the malice of these Evil Spirits. this Magical circle is to be made 9 feet across, and the Divine Names are to be written round it, beginning at ehyeh, and ending at levanah, Luna.

    (Colors.—The space between the outer and inner circles, where th serpent is coiled, with the Hebrew names written along his body, is bright deep yellow. The square in the centre of the circle, where the word “master” is written, is filled in with red. All names and letters are in black. In the Hexagrams the outer triangles where the letters a, d, o, n, a, i, appear are filled in with bright yellow, the centres, where the T-shaped crosses are, blue or green. In the Pentagrams outside the circle, the outer triangles where “Te, tra, gram, ma, ton,” is written are filled in bright yellow, and the centres with the T crosses written therin are red. (p. 71)


    This is the Form of the Magical Triangle, into which Solomon did command the Evil Spirits. It is to be made at 2 feet distance from the Magical Circle and it is 3 feet across. Note that this triangle is to be placed toward that quarter where unto the Spirit belongeth. And the base of the triangle is to be nearest unto the Circle, the apex pointing in the direction of the quarter of the Spirit. Observe thou also th Moon in thy working, as aforesaid, etc. Anaphaxeton is sometimes written Anepheneton.

    Colors.—Triangle outlined in black; name of Michael black on white ground; the three names without [outside] the triangle written in red; circle in center entirely filled in dark green. 

    Note: The coiled serpent is only shown in one private codex, the Hebrew names being in most cases simply written round in a somewhat spiral arrangement within the double circle. It is to be remembered that Hebrew is always written from right to left, instead of from left to right like ordinary [sic] European languages. the small Maltese crosses are placed to mark the conclusion of each separate set of Hebrew names. These names are those of the Deity Angels and Archangels allotted by the Qabalists to each of the 9 first Sephiroth or Divine Emanations. In English letters they run thus, beginning from the head of the serpent: ✠ Ehyeh Kether Metatron Chaioth ha-Qadesh Rashith Ha-Galgalim S.M.M. (for “Sphere of the Primum Mobile”) ✠ Iah Chockmah Ratziel Auphanium Masloth S.S.F. (for “Sphere of the Fixed Stars,” or S.Z. for “Sphere of the Zodiac”) ✠ Iehovah Elohim Binah Tzaphquiel Aralim Shabbathai S. (for “Sphere”) of Saturn ✠ El Chesed Tzadquiel Chaschmalim Tzedeq S. of Jupiter ✠ Elohim Gibor Geburah Kamael Seraphim Madim S. of Mars ✠ Iehovah Eloah Va-Daäth Tiphereth Raphaël Malakim Shemesh S. of the Sun ✠ Iehovah Tzabaoth Netzach Haniel Elohim Nogah S. of Venus. ✠ Elohim Tzabaoth Hod Michaël Beni Elohim Kokav S. of Mercury ✠ Shaddaï El Chai Iesod Gabriel Cherubim Leanah S. of the Moon ✠.

    This tapestry will create maximum design impact to your room. The one sided print is vivid and meant to last. Machine wash separately, cold water, delicate cycle, mild detergent, no bleach. Line Dry.

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