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Sorcery & Witchcraft Oils
L.Apotheca Sorcery/Spell Oils - The Luciferian Apotheca

    L.Apotheca Sorcery/Spell Oils

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    L Apotheca's Magical Oils are special blends of essential oils that are created with a specific intention in mind, focused on Witchcraft and Sorcerous goals. Essential oils are compounds that are derived from various types of plants, under the tutelage of the spirit-patron, Shemiyaza, according to some traditions. 

    YATUK DINOIH RITUAL OIL - Primal sorcery, soil, chanting and invocation of the powers of darkness. "They pound up in a mortar a certain plant called omomi at the same time invoking Hades and Darkness; then they mix it with the blood of a wolf that has been sacrificed, and carry it out and cast it into a place where the sun never shines." - Plutarch YATUK DINOIH is a Indo-Persian inspired blend of several sweet and bitter oils to create Yatuk Dinoih, the essence of Ahrimanic Witchcraft.

    Destruction- For rituals of curse and destroying that which seeks conflict with you. WARNING: This specific oil should not be burnt, rather it should be spread or sprinkled on items or place of where the curse is placed. The smell is very powerful and as this is a Destruction spell, it is not the nicest smelling.

    Astral Projection - Inspire astral body workings.

    Necromancy - Honoring and seeking insight via the ghosts of the dead.

    Love/Lust - Inspire the seductive black arts

    Healing - Inspire the overcoming of sickness and personal distress.

    Conquer - Overcoming your obstacles to achieve your goals.

    Purification - Focus the altar and ritual area and channel your mind towards the goal at hand.

    Chakra- The power points of the body which are essential in magickial practice.

    Wealth - Inspire good choices and plans which lead to earthly success.

    Psychic Powers - Spiritual awakening and the sharpening of instincts.

    Memory - Retain and strengthen your memory.

    Focus - to focus on what is the most important.

    Curse Reversal - Use negative energy to thus return and plague the sender.

    Protection - for fortifications in spirit.

    Victory/Success -inspire your victory!

    Control - Order and compelling structure in life.

    Want to sell your soul? Congratulations, you’ve found our hidden discount! Now all you have to do is sell your soul. We don’t actually buy or trade souls, but we do cater to the strong of mind and we do have connections, if you know what we mean. As a special thank you for reading our attempt at satire, please enjoy this special discount code: sellyoursoul This code entitles you to a 5% discount. We know your soul is worth more but times are hard, and hey, you get 5% off just for reading. We hope you enjoy!

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