For those not afraid of the Dark..... Details
Daevas Incense - Ahriman, Akoman, Aeshma, Savar, Indra, Taprev, Zairich, Naikiyas

    Daevas (Yatuk Dinoih) Incense Collection

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    The Daevas are ancient deities who are known in Avestan lore as demons. They are venerated in the practice of Yatukdinoih (Witchcraft, Sorcery) and unto Ahriman, the Adversary.

    Derived from the practice of Yatuk Dinoih, the ancient rites of the daevic Vyamburas who were daevayasna (demon-worshippers) who burnt Juniper and offered to the powers of darkness. Essential for any ancient Averse Zoroastrian, Indo-Iranian and 'Yatuk Dinoih' rites from Michael W. Ford's book, "Drauga - Ahrimanian Yatuk Dinoih". 15 sticks to a package.


    Ahriman - Adversary, Sorcerous Deity and Prince of Darkness: Self-Mastery, Nightside, Desire, Channeling Aggressive Emotions, Ruthlessness properly directed, Power, Knowledge.

    Aeshma - Daeva of the Wounding Spear: Mars - Martial ritual, Lycanthropy, Aggression, Strategic thinking, Self-Mastery, Overcoming enemies & obstacles, sexual desire.

    Savar - ArchDaeva of the commanding word: thoughtful oration and expression, convincing speech, articulated expression, Command and vibration of Words in Magick. 

    Pairikas - Wind-demons, Succubus, Seductive influence, Sex Magick.


    Indra (Andar): ArchDaeva of Naikiyas - Daeva of Discontent and Self-Will, striving for your goals. Using the energies you possess to bring storms or calm in your life based on goals and sorcerous desire. 

    Taprev and Zairich: Archdaevas of Conquering, Subduing enemies, Earthly balance between plants and the elements which poison and heal.

    Akoman: ArchDaeva of Luciferian Thought, the Cunning and Strategic Mind which is not limited, restrained or crippled by religious (monotheistic, dogmatic) thought or beliefs.


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