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Statues and Their Use in Magick by Michael W. Ford

par Michael Ford sur January 20, 2014

Statues from antiquity until present day remain an integral part of ritual magick and veneration of a deity and the power they represent. In Luciferianism, the altar is the foundation for the work itself, symbolizing the earth itself. Within the temple-cults of the ancient near east, the statue would essentially be the "home" for the deity; the priests of each temple would dress, cleanse and offered to as if the statue was a conscious object.

Modern Luciferians do not approach the statue as a literal "home" for the deity, rather a focus point in which the power of the Deific Mask may be inspired by the imagination and will of the sorcerer. This begins at a very basic level, our imagination. From the study of the representation and symbolism of the deity in question, the sorcerer may find the connection between the forces of nature which the deity represents (i.e. storm-god = establishing your stability and renewal in life, war-god = mastering obstacles internally and externally, destroying enemies, etc) and in the mind-body-spirit of the Luciferian.

The sorcerer will instinctively recognize via experience that if a deity or demon is invoked and libations/incense (pouring out liquid offerings to honor the power and act the Deific Mask represents) are by the act of ritual, called upon then the link between the Luciferian and Deific Mask is made strong. Tapping into this power is achieved depending on the individual, quickly or maybe over a period of time. In order for the experience to be beneficial, the pantheon and deity-statue must be "inspiring" to the sorcerer. Don't attempt to force your mind to inspired by a pantheon or culture of antiquity which you don't have a particular "drawing" to. While you should always attempt to learn and gain insight into ancient cultures, however decorate your altar with those images which inspire and help you visualize your goals and desires.

Don't be overwhelmed with the amount of statues available, begin with basics. First, what do you feel drawn to? For the beginning Luciferian, demonic statues (where available) and the modern "traditional" Baphomet is a good place to start; the deep meaning of the Sabbatic Goat and Baphomet is outlined in several books on the Luciferian tradition. If you have discovered the Mesopotamian pantheon or Canaanite, then create a foundation of those deities and demons for which you seek to work with for a period of time. If the Egyptian calls to you, then after learning the symbolism of the gods, a triad of deities would be in order. Don't merely ignore deities which have (at first glance) any association with darkness, for instance working with Seth but ignoring Horus; the ancient pantheons rarely have simple "good" or "evil" ones, they often have both creative and destructive aspects. Luciferian symbolism flows deeply from the ancient near eastern sources.

To offer definition, a god is a representation of a specific type of phenomena in nature, including both a creative and a destructive aspect. A demon is a "messenger" of the gods, often one who can called upon to protect or destroy depending on the will of the sorcerer or priest. The Deific Masks represent specific types of power and their manifestation in both nature and the living temple of the mind-body-spirit. For instance, Seth (Egyptian god of darkness, war and the desert ruins) is a power of darkness and chaos bringing change, struggle and ultimately self-liberation from restrictive situations or methods of thinking. Seth challenges and will make strong the Luciferian, however uncomfortable change requires the strong character and will of the sorcerer to over a period of time, "become" (Kheper) like Seth or one of the manifestations of this Deific Mask.

Once you obtain a statue, it is important to consecrate it to be an honored representation of the power and possibility within the self. You may perform a ritual invoking (calling within) or evoking (encircling the energy within the statue) the Deific Mask, using the proper incense, libation and if chosen, anointing the statue. Using a specific oil associated with the deity, during ritual, touching the head and/or body of the statue assists in making "sacred" the statue.

For more information on the statue and altar, see the following publications:

"Dragon of the Two Flames" by Michael W. Ford, illustrated by Kitti Solymosi;

"Maskim Hul - Babylonian Magick" by Michael W. Ford;

"Bible of the Adversary" by Michael W. Ford

"Necrominon - Egyptian Sethanic Magick" by Michael W. Ford, illustrated by Kitti Solymosi;



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