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The Bible of the Adversary Michael W Ford
The Bible of the Adversary 10th Anniversary Edition

    The Bible of the Adversary 10th Anniversary Adversarial Flame Edition

    CHF 24.00
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    Hardcover and Softcover Editions. Hardcover: 6" x 9", jacket-hardcover binding, cream interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (80# weight), full-color exterior ink. Glossy jacket finish, black linen material, white foil stamping.

    The Bible of the Adversary - Adversarial Flame 10th Anniversary Edition 2007-2017

    By Michael W. Ford

    Illustrated by Jose Gabriel Alegria Sabogal, Mitchell Nolte & Kitti Solymosi

    The Bible of the Adversary “Adversarial Flame” 10th Anniversary Edition is both a philosophical introduction and self-initiatory grimoire of Luciferian Magick. Published originally in 2007, The Bible of the Adversary provided a modern unification and clarification of the Left Hand Path initiatory power recognized as “The Adversary” and Luciferianism. The Adversarial Flame edition presents a completely re-edited and expanded grimoire which begins with the 11 Points of Power and the philosophical foundations; guiding the reader into the depths of darkness and by using Will, Desire and Belief, illuminating the Black Flame or Light within. Illustrated by J.G.A. Sabogal (from the Spanish edition), Mitchell Nolte and Kitti Solymosi, the Adversarial Flame edition will continue to be a guide to the Luciferian and Adversarial Spirit for years to come.


    • Philosophy of Luciferianism from the 11 Points of Power to the Laws of Belial.
    • Types of Luciferian Magick including Yatuk Dinoih (Persian Ahrimanian Sorcery) and Therionick (Low Sorcery), Vampyre and Apotheosis (High Magick).
    • Symbols and Sigils of Lucifer, Satan, Lilith, Samael and Lilith explained.
    • Techniques of strengthening the Mind via Meditation, Discipline and focus of Will.
    • Ceremonies and Rituals of Luciferianism which focus on Liberation, Illumination and Apotheosis.
    • Ceremonies and Luciferian “Holidays” including Marriage, Destruction and Burial workings.
    • Sigils, Illustrations and representations of Luciferian and Ahrimanic Deities, Demons and Spiritual Energies which are known as “Deific Masks” for which the Black Adept invokes and uses to enhance by way of Liberation, Illumination and Apotheosis.


    Sell your soul? We are a soul-selling free company. The Devil loves the strong of mind! All items sacred to the Infernal and Phosphorescent. 100% Left-Hand Path. Doing the Devil's Work Since 2007. Since you are reading this, here is a CODE to use for a 5% Discount: sellyoursoul (we know it is worth more but you get this just for reading!)

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