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AKHKHARU - Vampyre Magick 2nd Illustrated Edition by Michael W Ford - The Luciferian Apotheca

    AKHKHARU - Vampyre Magick | 2nd Illustrated Edition by Michael W. Ford | Forbidden Grimoire of Luciferian Occultism

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    Delve into the dark realms of Vampyric Magick with this newly revised and illustrated edition of Michael W. Ford's controversial grimoire.

    Key Features:

    • Dimensions: 6" x 9", 355 pages
    • Newly illustrated by Lamia Culta, Julian Zurc, Dizmah, and Emerson Cotillo Saenz
    • Revised and edited by Paul Nunez of Manus Sinistra Publishing
    • Available in: Softcover, Color-Softcover, Hardcover, and Digital editions

    Content Overview:

    • Initiatory rites of the Black Order of the Dragon
    • Luciferian philosophy and predatory spirituality
    • Techniques for energy manipulation and astral projection
    • Alignment with demonic entities like Lamaštu and Lilith

    New Additions:

    • "Feast of the Gidim-hul" ritual
    • Enhanced sigils and illustrations of Vampyric and Satanic powers
    • Additional material expanding on original 2007 publication

    Magical Practices:

    • Sorcerous detachment from the physical body
    • Shaping the Body of Shadow
    • Techniques for draining and accumulating Life Force
    • Initiatory path through the Gates of the Qlippoth

    Ideal for:

    • Practitioners of Left-Hand Path traditions
    • Those exploring Luciferian philosophy
    • Occultists interested in Vampyric spirituality
    • Collectors of rare and controversial grimoires

    AKHKHARU offers a transgressive and liberating approach to occult practice, guiding the aspirant towards spiritual predation and anti-cosmic liberation.

    Order now to unlock the secrets of Vampyre Magick and embark on a journey of dark illumination!

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