For courage. The cat totem wisdom tells you about timing in action and courage to explore the unknown. The cat carries many meanings revolving around the balance between opposites, such as...
Hecate Trioditis (with three faces), she is last of the Titans and a renowned Goddess deity. This amulet has good detail displaying her torches, key, and with serpents. She is...
This lead-free pewter amulet showing a crescent moon and stars overlaid with a howling wolf will aid you in calling upon the Moon and Goddess. Has cord. Pewter. 1 1/2"...
Material: zinc alloy in silver plateSize: 1" in diameterIncludes: (1) Goddess Coin pendant, 18" link chain, satin pouch, & leaflet with all meaningsPackaging: cello bag. The back is inscribed with...
Hecate in her triple form was known throughout the ancient world, including among the Celts as Brigid. She is also known as the goddess of the Brigantes in northern England,...