Hecate Trioditis (with three faces), she is last of the Titans and a renowned Goddess deity. This amulet has good detail displaying her torches, key, and with serpents. She is...
Hand Painted Resin Size: 5 1/2" x 4 3/4" x 10 1/2" The Greek Hecate along with Persephone and Haides (Hades) presided over the oracles of the dead and the art of nekromankia...
Hecate is presented here with ancient Greek spellings of her name and epithets. Choose this unisex fleece hoodie and enjoy all it has to offer. It's soft, comfy, and can...
Cult epithets of Hecate being Names of Power. Hecate (Hekate meaning 'Worker from Afar)) is the ancient goddess of magick, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy. Hekate was a...
Ritual oils are used to anoint the practitioner or the talisman / sigil before a working. No matter if you are performing a Luciferian Witchcraft or Satanic Ritual, the oils offered here...
L Apotheca's Magical Oils are special blends of essential oils that are created with a specific intention in mind, focused on Witchcraft and Sorcerous goals. Essential oils are compounds that...